令 En 表示在首 n-1 次試驗中點數和不為 5 也不為 7,
但第 n 次試驗時點數和為 5 的事件, 則所求的機率為
This result may also have been obtained by using conditional probabilities. If
we let E be the event that a 5 occurs before a 7, then we can obtain the
desired probability, P(E), by conditioning on the outcome of the first trial,
as follows: Let F be the event that the first trial results in a 5; let Gbe the event that it results in a 7; and let H be the event that the first
trial results in neither a 5 nor a 7. Conditioning on which one of these events
occurs gives
The first two equalities are obvious. The third follows because, if the first
outcome results in neither a 5 nor a 7, then at that point the situation is
exactly as when the problem first started; namely, the experimenter will
continually roll a pair of fair dice until either a 5 or 7 appears. Furthermore,
the trials are independent; therefore, the outcome of the first trial will have
no effect on subsequent rolls of dice. Since
we see that
The reader should note that the answer is quite intuitive. That is, since a 5
occurs on any roll with probability
and a 7 with probability
it seems intuitive that the odds that a 5 appears before a
7 should be 6 to 4 against. The probability should be
indeed it is.
The same argument shows that if E and F are mutually exclusive events of an
experiment, then, when independent trials of this experiment are performed, the
event E will occur before the event F with probability