前面所講的假設都是屬於單邊的假設 one-sided hypotheses, 在對立假設中, 相對於虛無假設都是只有單邊的, 對於檢定則稱為單邊檢定或單尾檢定 (one-sided tests or one-tailed tests).
上面的假設則稱為雙邊的假設(two-sided alternative), 假如 距離 太遠的話則拒絕 H0 的假設, 也就是 Z 太小或太大. 給定 即可決定棄卻域, 如下,
Large Sample Tests for
When the sample size is large, a Z-test concerning
is based on the
normal test statistic
The rejection region is one- or two-sided depending on the alternative hypothesis. Specifically,