白努力試驗 - 成功與失敗

常常會遇到只有兩種實驗結果的試驗, 成功(Successes)以及 失敗(Failures). 而可以用一個參數(parameter)來代表未知的母體. 並非一定要成功及失敗的結果實驗才適用, 通常只要涉及只有兩種不同的結果實驗即可適用 Bernoulli Trial. 舉例如下:

Inspect a specified number of items coming off a production line and count the number of defectives.
Survey a sample of voters and observe how many favor a reduction of public spending on welfare.
Analyze the blood specimens of a number of rodents and count how many carry a particular viral infection.
Examine the case histories of a number of births and count how many involved delivery by Caesarean section.

Bernoulli Trials

Each trial yields one of two outcomes, technically called success (S)and failure (F).
For each trial, the probability of success P(S) is the same and is deonted by p=P(S). The probability of failure is then P(F)=1-p for each trial and is denoted by q, so that p+q=1.
Trials are independent. The probability of success in a trial does not change given any information about the outcomes of other trials.

白努力試驗, 最簡單的例子即是投擲一個公平的銅板, 發生正面代表 (S), 發生反面代表 (F), 所以我們可得 p=q=1/2