The mean of a random variable X is also called its expected value and, alternatively, denoted by E(X). That is, the mean and expected value E(X) are the same quantity and will be used interchangeably. The mean of X or population mean
Here the sum extends over all the distinct values xi of X.
首先, 保險公司可能付出 $ 1000 的機率為 1/200=.005, 接著我們以隨機變數 X來表示保戶可能收到的保費. 如下,
也就是說, 公司所提出的這個保險辦法, 其保費應該為 $ 5 才是合理的. 如果旅客需要這項服務, 接受這項保險, 則需要繳 $ 5, 這個例子說明了期望值的意義.