<1> example : Balanced Parenthese
- is_balanced function (page 312)
bool is_balanced( const String & expression) ;
is_balanced("(3+a-(b+7))") => true is_balanced("((x+y*(z+1)*(a+b))") =>false
- action
- ( ( ) )
stack stores "(" only "(" -> push "(" ")" -> pop "("
<2>example evaluating anthemetic expressions
- specification ( ( ( (12+9)/3)+7.2)*( (6-4)/8) )
- number is non-negative
- every operation requires two arguments surrounding with pair of matched parenthese
- design ( ( (6+9)/3) * (6-4) )
Note : Q : How to find the leftmost of the innermost expression ? A : Find the ")" Q : How to keep track of volues and operator ? A : Use two stacks one for numbers one for operator eg => 3+5
- by hand ( ( (6+9) /3 ) * (6-4) ) ~~~ ~~~ 15 2 => ( (15/3) * 2 ) => (5*2) => 10
- evaluate the leftmost of the innermost expression
- ( ( (6+9) /3 ) * (6-4) )
- ( ( 15/3 ) * (6 -4 ) ) ~~~~ 5
- ( 5 * (6-4) ) ~~~ 2
- (5 * 2)
- 10
- two stacks ( ( ( 6 + 9 ) / 3 ) * ( 6 - 4 ) ) ~~~~~~~
- ( ( 15 /3 ) * ( 6 -4 ) ) =>
- ( 5 * ( 6 - 4) ) =>
- ( 5 * 2 ) =>
- =>
- number stack store number
- operation stack store operator
- ")" trigger the evaluation => pop two numbers from number stack pop operator from operation stack push the result to number stack
- ")" or " " nothing happened