Chapter 7

7.2 Stack Applications

<1> example : Balanced Parenthese

  1. is_balanced function (page 312)
    bool is_balanced( const String & expression) ;
    is_balanced("(3+a-(b+7))") => true is_balanced("((x+y*(z+1)*(a+b))") =>false
  2. action
    1. ( ( ) )

      stack stores "(" only "(" -> push "(" ")" -> pop "("

<2>example evaluating anthemetic expressions

  1. specification ( ( ( (12+9)/3)+7.2)*( (6-4)/8) )
    1. number is non-negative
    2. every operation requires two arguments surrounding with pair of matched parenthese
  2. design ( ( (6+9)/3) * (6-4) )
    1. by hand ( ( (6+9) /3 ) * (6-4) ) ~~~ ~~~ 15 2 => ( (15/3) * 2 ) => (5*2) => 10
    2. evaluate the leftmost of the innermost expression
      1. ( ( (6+9) /3 ) * (6-4) )
      2. ( ( 15/3 ) * (6 -4 ) ) ~~~~ 5
      3. ( 5 * (6-4) ) ~~~ 2
      4. (5 * 2)
      5. 10
    Note : Q : How to find the leftmost of the innermost expression ? A : Find the ")" Q : How to keep track of volues and operator ? A : Use two stacks one for numbers one for operator eg => 3+5
  3. two stacks ( ( ( 6 + 9 ) / 3 ) * ( 6 - 4 ) ) ~~~~~~~
    1. ( ( 15 /3 ) * ( 6 -4 ) ) =>
    2. ( 5 * ( 6 - 4) ) =>
    3. ( 5 * 2 ) =>
    4. =>
    1. number stack store number
    2. operation stack store operator
    3. ")" trigger the evaluation => pop two numbers from number stack pop operator from operation stack push the result to number stack
    4. ")" or " " nothing happened
  4. Implementaton Some functions in istream class
    1. peek() return the next char of the istream var without actually reading it
    2. ignore() discards the next char of input stream others
    3. bool isdigit (char C) in ctype.h true if '0'<<<'9' false otherwise
    4. char* strchr (const char s[] char C) in string.h check if C is in s[] it yes then returns a printer to the first occurrence of C in S no then return NULL
  5. Testing and Analysis