1.1 良好的資料結構和程式設計之三大要素
程式規格-> 設計-> 分析

<fig 1.1>
  1. 程式規格
    To specify what the program is meant to accomplish,without describing the detials.
  2. 設計
    To select/create the specificdata structures and algorithm to meet the specification.
  3. 分析
    To analyze the correctness of data structures and efficiency of algorithm.


<1> 基本的程式設計策略
  1. 程式設計策略
    <i> specify the I/O.
    <ii> design the data structures and algorithm.
    <iii> translate the algorithm in to a computer language.
    <iv> test and debug the program.

    <a> The step <iii> is most meant to "write a program" but a simple translation process.
    <b> To write a program is similat to build a building. One needs to specify precisely what the program is suppose to do.

  2. Specification
    Vague idea-> precise description

    <fig 1.2>

  3. 演算法:
    A precise set of instructions that leads to a solution.
    A mixture of oral languate and a programming language to describe a algorithm.

    Algorithms are instructions for doing something.
    data are the information manipulated by algorithm.
  4. 資料結構:A structured way to organize data.
    * The purpose of OOP is to combine algorithm and data structures into one package.
  5. coding
  6. 測試與除錯

<2> 分解問題

  1. 進一步細分欲解的問題
    Break down the problem into a few subtasks,then decompose each subtasks into smaller subtasks until the subtasks become too trivial to implement in computer language.

    <fig 1.3>
  2. 資訊隱藏 (Information hiding)

    (1) 萃取程序中必要的部份(procedure abstraction)
    Abstracting away or hiding from the irrelevant details.
    eg. To watch the TV, one doesn't need to know TV works.

    (2) 文件
    詳細的闡明一個特定函式的作用,但不須解釋它如何運作。 函式的說明文件應該包含:
    <i> Precondition for input of function a statement giving condition that is support to be true when a function is celled.
    <i> Postcondition for output of function
    A statement decribing what will be true when a function call is completed.

    int days (int year)
    // Precondition:	the parameter year is between 
    //                      1800-2001.
    // Postcondition: 	the return value is the total days
    //                      of the year.

    <a> When to write the precondition and postcondition, specify the precondition and postcondition when writing the function's prototype.
    <b> Precondition and Postcondition are the interface specification of functions. They are even more important when a group of programmer work together.
    eg. They are the precondition/postcondition contract agreed by all programmers.

    (3) Pitfall: failing to ensure the precondition. Wheneven it is possible, always check if the precondition is meet; even sometimes it is impossible.

    (4) Assert function, in <assert.h>

    assert( ( i > 5) && ( i < 10 ) );
    => if it is true no action is taken.
    if it is false useful error message is printed and program stops.

    (5) 文件撰寫標準:
    A description of how each part of the documentation should be written.

  3. 軟體的生命循環週期
    1. Analysis and specification of the task.
    2. Design of the algotithms and data structures.
    3. Implementation(coding)
    4. Testing.
    5. Maintenance and evolution of the system.
    6. Obsolessence.

    <a> The typical cost of maintenance >> the cost of producing the original system.
    <b> The majority of systems programmer's time is spent on the maintenance of exising system, not designing completely new systems.